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Showing posts from June, 2020

It's Never About an App

Often times I get this from friends and other budding startup founders "I'm building an app bla bla bla...", I usually cringe each time I hear that cause it almost seems as though the entire journey of creating an experience, a solution, a disruptor revolves around building an App.  It never has, building a business involves creating processes, structures, building networks and relationships long before the idea of an App is introduced especially in a Nigerian or African context. An App in my best opinion is an interface (mobile or desktop) introduced to simplify already existing processes and structures, reach new audiences and acquire new users, Big Chief (Victor Asemota) couldn't have explained this any better in a tweet; He Nailed it! Apps are processes manifested in an Interface, let's make this real, take my company  Parkit  for instance; my approach to taking up this endeavor would never have made sense by simply saying I want to create an app for vehicle w